Monday, April 7, 2008

Welcome to the website redesign blog.

Hello Harold Washington community,

We are thrilled to launch our new blog for the Harold Washington College Website Redesign Project; the official source for information, insight and updates. Our committee consists of sixteen members, including faculty, staff and administrators, all offering different talents experience and perspectives. We are also currently looking for student members to help us with this exciting project.

The website redesign project will begin immediately with the goal of having the new site online for the Spring 2009 semester. During the redesign period, the current website will continue to be maintained.

The current HWC website contains 574 pages (academic departments' pages are not included) and 1,133 links. It was designed in 2005. The average lifespan for a college website is 3-5 years due to rapid changes in web technology, users and college priorities.

The goal of the project is to:
•Create a more functional website where internal and external targeted users can quickly find information
•Create a website, which will become an effective marketing tool for recruiting new students
•Create a visually pleasing and dynamic user-friendly design that is adaptable to the needs of the various programs, departments, and offices.
•Create a website which is easy to update, by employing new web standard practices.

The purpose of this blog is to share ideas, provide comments and highlight progress of the project. Additionally we want to hear from you. All of us have an opinion, now is your chance to voice it. Share your viewpoint and ideas. Please help us to make this blog an interesting space, in which ideas and comments can be shared.

The Website redesign blog will be managed by HWC website redesign committee. Committee reserves a right to edit all postings for appropriateness.

Thank you for visiting our blog. Enjoy!